Course curriculum

    1. The changing face of retirement

    2. The adjustment process

    3. The four anchors of retirement wellbeing

    4. Anchor one - Who You Are

    5. Anchor two - What You Do

    6. Anchor three - Relationships, social networks and family

    7. Anchor four - how you structure it

    1. Where am I now?

    2. Where do I want to be?

    3. How much is enough?

    4. I don't have enough. How will I get there?

    5. Hooray! I have enough (maybe more than enough). What are my options?

    6. Investments and risk

    7. Obstacles

    8. Cashflow planning

    9. Leave it to the experts

About this course

  • $295.00
  • 17 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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